“Every gap year student should have some skills training to help them travel in a more sensible and informed way. There are very few things in life that we expect to go off and do with no training, so why do we assume that travelling in the developing world can be achieved without preparation?”

Charlotte Hindle – author of Lonely Planet’s ‘Gap Year Guide’

Wednesday, 30 January 2008

Hundreds feared dead in Congo lake

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Title – Hundreds feared dead in Congo lake
Source – www.bbc.co.uk
Date – 30th January 2008

At this time visiting the Democratic Republic of Congo as an independent traveller may not be a wise choice and certainly not to be undertaken without seeking specialist advice for that country. But this story goes some way once again to demonstrating the dangers in some local transport options.

Local people often use the cheapest transport available and although cheap doesn’t always mean bad, it can often be that way in the developing world. Cutting corners allows the companies running these services to make a profit even when the service itself may seem almost ridiculously cheap by our western standards. In the UK a 10 minute cab ride would set you back £10 in the Democratic Republic of Congo this will probably get you half way across this enormous country.

The problem is that the corners cut often mean that safety standards that may have been low to start with, are reduced still further. Maintenance is ignored unless it affects the running of the service, capacities either do not exist or are flouted as every last paying passenger is welcomed and then squeezed on and safety equipment such as life jackets and life rafts are either wholly inadequate, insufficient in number or completely absent.

Add to these problems the fact that when something does go wrong, there is simply not the infrastructure to provide adequate rescue or medical facilities and the need to choose your Transport Options carefully and to have the courage to change them or cancel them if you are in anyway unhappy takes on a greater significance.

Some simple rules will allow the independent traveller where ever they are in the world to assess the risks of their transport options and understand the real dangers that exist on a daily basis in many parts of the world.

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Paraguay put on dengue alert

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Title – Paraguay put on dengue alert
Source – www.bbc.co.uk
Date – 30th January 2008

Dengue strikes again, this time in Brazil’s neighbour, Paraguay.

Dengue has no vaccine or cure and can be fatal. The fact that in travellers it is very rarely fatal, should not make people think that they should not be concerned, catching Dengue is not like having flu, it is a debilitating disease that can certainly end a trip and can take a while to recover from. People that catch Dengue can develop immunity to that particular variant, but this actually makes Dengue more dangerous as any subsequent contraction of any of the other variants of the disease can be substantially more dangerous and most fatalities are as a result of multiple infections.

As part of our Gap Year and Independent Travel Safety and Awareness workshop we examine the issue of Travel Health and what you need to look out for in the particular area of the world you plan to travel to. With mosquitoes accounting for so many fatalities and infections from the diseases that they transmit, we not only look at which medical solutions might be available but also the best ways of preventing yourself being bitten in the first place.

In the case of Dengue fever, where no cure, vaccination or prophylactic is available, bite prevention and protection is more important than ever and even if there is probably no full proof way of stopping bites altogether, the practices we teach you will help reduce your vulnerability to an absolute minimum.

Please visit our website at

Saturday, 19 January 2008

Flying three times greener then cruising

To view the original article Click Here

Title – Flying three times greener then cruising
Source – Telegraph Travel
Date – 19th January 2008

Global warming is truly the challenge for the world, how do we continue to progress our economies without damaging the planet further? How do we continue to enjoy the fruits of our hard work by taking holidays or travelling and yet prevent further damage to our planet?

These are going to be the challenges of our generation and the challenges for which we have to find the solutions, because the consequences are unimaginable. But the question is, how we do this most effectively and the time has come for the opposing factions to put down their weapons of rhetoric and present the facts.

Currently news headlines convince us that the answer is for us to turn off our TV at night, to stop flying and to recycle the odd bottle here and there. We championed biofuels, just to discover that it is preventing the poor from accessing food as the cost rise. There does seem to be a new solution followed by a new problem day after day and who do we really believe. Industry is trying desperately to protect it’s profit margins for shareholders, governments are trying to protect business in order to retain power and some campaign groups are using scare tactics in their desperate attempt to maintain awareness. We the public just want to hear the balanced view, it is simply too important a subject to be used as a political ping pong ball.

We all have our part to play and we know that there are solutions out there, we see wind farms approved and never built, we see one side of nuclear arguments presented, we see world leaders fly in private jets around the world and tell us not to fly and we hear big business tell us how green they are by placing a solar panel on the roof of their head quarters on the one hand, while they pump tonnes of CO2 into our atmosphere with the other.

These are the big challenges we face, to convince our politicians it really is time for change, time to stop talking and start acting and we tell them we are willing to pay the short term price for the long term gain. To achieve this we have to be proactive and we all have to put pressure on those people we elect across the world to start to listen to what we the majority want. As well as this we have to lead by example, it’s really a bit of a role reversal, but might be the only way. We all know the little things we can do in our own lives to reduce or CO2 emissions or carbon footprint, this does not mean changing fundamentally the way we live, it does not mean cancelling holidays, it means seeking out the services we want not just based on the traditional criteria, but on how they will affect the our carbon foot print. Where the footprint is large we should look to reduce it, where we can not reduce it, we should look to offset it. Never think you alone in this, if your neighbour doesn’t do it, it does not mean it is pointless and does not mean you are alone and can’t make a difference. Every time you turn off the light (whatever type of light bulb you use) you are making a difference.

So should you go on a cruise? If that is what you have worked all year or for ten years towards then yes, go and enjoy it. But think a bit about which company you go with for more reasons than just the glossy brochure, take a little time and research how much of an environmental impact they have and how you can off-set that impact before you go and once you return. Because if we all choose services and companies based on more than just price, glossy brochure and convenience and consider 'green' criteria more importantly, then companies will start to really compete to be 'greener' that others, will invest in 'greener' technology. They will also invest in the people that were clever enough to put a man on the moon or develop antibiotics and give them the funding to find the solutions to this latest man made problem. But it has to happen today, not tomorrow.

Responsible and Ethical Travel is important and travel has a big impact not just on the environment, but on the people whose country you are visiting, we believe it can be a positive one and we know our workshop can help you achieve this.

Please visit our website at www.sfaegapyear.com

Friday, 18 January 2008

UK woman murdered in New Zealand

To view the original article Click Here

Title – UK woman murdered in New Zealand
Source – www.bbc.co.uk
Date – 18th January 2008

New Zealand is a very popular choice with tourists, 'gapers' and people on working holidays. It is a very stable and generally safe country. Many people think of it as a prettier version of the UK (especially Scotland) on the bottom of the world, caught in a time-warp where people are more in tune with their community and the pace of life is a little slower; something many people yearn for.

But these thoughts and perceptions can be dangerous and result in people being complacent in their behaviour. Any time we take holidays, we seem to behave in a way that leaves us susceptible to risk in its many different forms. This is partly because as we are on 'holiday', we are generally in a more positive and relaxed frame of mind and this can leave us vulnerable.

In this tragic case of Karen Aim there is no suggestion at the time of writing that this is anything other then a horrific indiscriminate attack on an innocent traveller who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Our thoughts are with her family and friends who not only have to deal with this tragedy, but have to cope with being so far away on the other side of the world.

Travelling takes us far away from the help we are used to, travellers are often wary of starting out on a trip and the concerns of those they leave behind can be substantial. Parents feel helpless to protect their children, something that has dominated their lives for over 18 years.

Despite people being 'street-wise' or confident at home, this does not always translate to other parts of the world and there is truly nowhere entirely safe. We aim to show candidates on our Gap Year and Independent Travel Safety & Awareness workshop (GYITSA) that glossy travel brochures don’t show the darker side of countries, but they all have one. People should not be put off travel by this dark underbelly, but they should consider and manage the risk.

The vast majority of travel to New Zealand results only in fond memories to bring home and share with others, our aim is to enhance those memories by providing effective advice for those attending our workshops.

Please visit our website at

Friday, 11 January 2008

Yellow Fever alert alarms Brazil

To view the original article Click Here

Title – Yellow Fever alert alarms Brazil
Source – www.bbc.co.uk
Date – 11th January 2008

Travel Health should be near the top of anyone’s agenda when they are planning to travel. Some vaccinations can take weeks to organise or involve a series of treatments over months. Generally you should visit your doctor or travel clinic at least six weeks before you plan to set off, to ensure you will be able to complete any vaccination process prior to departure.

There are sporadic outbreaks of different diseases across the world at any one time, some are just worth knowing about so you can take a little extra care, others will require you to seek additional medical advice and others still can require you to change your plans completely. Where there is a serious outbreak of disease, the local medical facilities may barely be able to cope, the last thing they need is more people (tourists) turning up, falling ill and further stretching their facilities.

This recent outbreak of yellow fever does seem to be serious, but also seems to be under control, but travellers should still seek specific advice from a medical practitioner before travelling.

As with all mosquito borne diseases, effective prevention measures can reduce the risks substantially. On our Gap Year and Independent Travel Safety & Awareness workshop (GYITSA) we examine diseases including yellow fever and dengue and we discuss what prevention and protection solutions there are from insect borne diseases.

The risk of yellow fever may be reduced by effective prevention techniques, but only you will know that. Many countries will expect you to have a yellow fever vaccination certificate to gain entry to their country, if you have previously visited an endemic yellow fever region of the world.

Dengue fever is also a great concern, with no effective vaccination or cure, prevention is doubly important. Do not be fooled by the 'relatively' low fatality rate (98 out of 438,000 in Brazil in 2007). Although the odds of survival are 'relatively' good, it is a very debilitating disease. It will certainly cut short your trip and can take months to recover from even with supportive medical care. Don’t take risks, protect yourself! If you want to find out the best way to do this attend our workshop.

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